Always Together, Together Always

Monday, May 2, 2011

What I have been up to lately is, trying to get into shape. I have been using this cool program called runtastic. It keeps track of everything I do. Including how far and how fast I run. My elevation, calories burned and a bunch more. Check out my progress. (Note that I just started using this program.)


melissa said...

Hey there, I love, love, love your blog. I am all about "real" life blogging. (all though I am way behind. lol) I love that you don't hold back. I think its awesome. Careful though blogging can be addicting. lol. Hence the reason I have 4 blogs I am involved in and behind on 3 of them. lol

Tyann and Aaron Boutilier said...

I wish we could go running together. It would be so fun!